The Wedding of

Bobby & Yulyana

Sunday, September 26, 2021

God has made everything wonderful in his time, wonderful when He unite us, wonderful when He build our love and united us into a holy marriage

Bobby Ertanto Budiawan

First Son of
Mr. Hendy Budiawan,
BA (Hen Tjie Bun) (+)
& Mrs. Siane Theresia,
BA (Tjia Hwie Sian)

Yulyana Rosa

First Daughter of
Mr. Jo Cia Hok & Mrs. Tjhen Pau Hwa

We Love Each Other

“No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us."

- 1 John 4:12 -

Countdown to Happiness

  • 00Hari
  • 00Jam
  • 00Menit
  • 00Detik

Holy Matrimony

September 26, 2021

12.00 PM

St. Paulus Church Bandung
Jl. Moh. Toha No.19-21, Pungkur, Kec. Regol, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat

Tea Pai

September 26, 2021

04.00 PM

Holiday Inn Bandung
Jl. Dr. Djunjunan No.96, Pasteur, Kec. Sukajadi, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat

Wedding Reception

September 26, 2021

06.00 PM

Holiday Inn Bandung
Jl. Dr. Djunjunan No.96, Pasteur, Kec. Sukajadi, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat

Confirmation of Attendance

It's an honor and happiness for us as a family when Mr./Mrs./Brother/Sister
agrees to be present to give blessings to the groom and bride.
For the presence and prayers of blessings, Thank You

Please bring your face mask
or face shield

Wash Hand

use a hand sanitizier in the space provided

Do not force attend if in
unhealthy conditions

Keep your distance for the safety

Wash your hands

No shake hands

With all due respect, we deeply apologize for any inconvenience because of the Government's new regulation regarding to the COVID-19 pandemic situation, therefore our holy matrimony will be held virtually online on youtube.

Please ask Mr / Mrs / Brother / Sister to say a prayer of blessing and be happy to be present at our wedding. May all of us always be protected by God Almighty

If you ar unable to attend, you can participate by virtually watching our holy matrimony via live streaming. And if you want to attend our holy matrimony, please confirm us about your attendance before the event because the limited number of guests in the church.

Wedding Gift

For family and friends who want to send a gifts, please send it via:


Best Wishes

Lina morin
Selamat buat Yuli dan Bobby, semoga selalu bahagia, Langgeng sampai kakek nenek, dilancarkan segala urusan. Aamiin
Hello yul, my first friend in school.. Thank you for inviting me on your happy and big day. I hope you and your future husband, can be happy forever.. See you on your wedding day. Thank you!
Debby Sania
Be happy always yul dan ko bobby 😍😍 keep falling love everyday both of you 🥰 GBU 🙏😇
Cindy Chandra
Yulll congrats yaaa, semoga lancar2 acaranya, sehat2 selalu dan berbahagia selalu yaaa, maaf ga bisa dateng. GBU
Congrtas yul, semoga lancar ya, sehat2 kalian maaf gabisa dateng.. God bless both of you
Wisanto and family
Congratullation Yuly and Bobby , all the best wishes for your new family , in God Faith, Amin Bahagia Selalu, Sehat, dan Sukses Terus ! . Amin
Prajna kumara (jana)
Semoga lancar baik persiapan, sewaktu acara dan setelah acara.. Semoga selalu langgeng, sehat dan banyak rejekinya ya. *_. Terima kasih ya.
Happy wedding iyul n ko bobby !!! Akhirnya salah satu impian tercapaii yaa❤️ happy terus ya kalian. Saling dukung selalu satu sama lain. Lancar lancar sampai hari H. Selalu sehat, selalu bahagia, n cepet dikasih momongan. Gbu Abundantly💕
yohanes & flo
We're so happy for you both! 🥺♥️ selamat menempuh hidup baru sahabatku, doaku yang selalu yang terbaik untuk kalian berdua, saling mengasihi, menjaga satu sama lain ya bukan saja di hari ini tapi untuk selamanya. Tuhan berkati 😇❤️
Viriya Kumara Salimputra
May you always be blessed in happiness and sadness. to be able to accept each other. because what is perfect is from two individuals who complement each other.
Happy wedding yulll lancar sampai hari H, sehat selalu semuanya, 😘😘 GBU
happy wedding yulyana & bobby. maaf gak bisa hadir karna berhalangan. (ada yg ngalangin 🤣) 😁 gak nyangka bisa jadi saksi kisah cinta kalian dari awal pdkt sampe akhirnya bisa lanjut ke jenjang pernikahan. langgeng sampe kakek nenek ya. cepet dapet momongan juga ya kalian. 🥰 Gbu.
Eka & Aryo
Hwd yulyana dan ko bobby, sehat dan bahagia selalu ❤️💋 Tuhan Yesus berkati kamu, suami dan keluarga yaa 💋✨
Ishak Yesaya
We'll happy to you and husband! LANGGENG WAJIB! CEPET PUNYA ANAK JUGA WAJIB! HEHEHEHE*_. Terima kasih ya..

Kami yang berbahagia

Bobby & Yulyana

Bobby & Yulyana
To Mr / Mrs / Brother / Sister
With all due respect, We Invite You To Attend Our Weddings.
Mohon maaf apabila ada kesalahan penulisan nama/gelar

Bismilah Bisa